Sunday, April 19, 2015

Church School in Haiti

Sunday Report from Mary Friedman:

We are way up in the countryside above Port-au-Prince in a very small village where some of us were kept up half the night by barking dogs and the neighbor's loud music. The kids met their Haitian "twins" last night and we all had fun sharing songs and dancing together! This morning we loaded into two vans to make the bumpy hour-long trip to the little church where we worshipped with our Haitian fellow Christians. Dr. Jay preached this morning about Christian unity amid many "amens". We gave the necklaces which our church school made to the church school children at Legliz Evangelique Baptiste Bethesda!

This afternoon we had a long hot dusty walk with our youth and their Haitian twins. We met their families and saw their homes. It was an experience unlike any I have had before.

All are well and busy absorbing this new, rich, and challenging experience.

1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful necklaces - I love the twin idea and I can't wait to hear more of what that was like for all of you!
